Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday Thursday Thursday

Okay so Boomer is roaming my room looking for anything he can get into and secretly hunting socks to eat. I don't know what it is that he likes about socks but I know that I wouldn't want to eat them! On another note Chris is coming home in two weeks! YAY!!!!!!!! I can't wait! Tonight is a chill night. Reading Jurassic Park and watching movies and chilling with my dog Boomer. It's a wonderful kind of night really. I like chill nights. Tomorrow evening I am heading off to the races with my dad and I am really excited for it! Going to have to bring home souvenirs for everyone and an extra special one for Chris. :-)

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Well this weekend has been......tiring. Being sick hasn't help at all. I woke up today feeling like my head was going to explode because it was so clogged up and my nose was stuffed and I felt like my throat had been coated in sandpaper. Talking to Chris helped make me feel a lot better. After my headache started winding down I went to the Library in search of some books to read. I picked up a couple Jackie Collins novels and Jurassic Park and The Lost World. I loved the movies so I am hoping that book is even better and I am sure that it is!

There is a Jaws marathon on at the moment. I find it funny that I have never seen any of the movies. At least I don't remember having seen any of them before. We are winding down on Chris's countdown for him to come home. I really hope that someone clicks some good pictures of us in the airport because I want to post them. :-) Ugh well I think it's time for a nap and then some more reading.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ta Da!

Today was by far one the laziest days I have had this summer, but I loved it! I slept in until 10am and then went about my usual routine. I fed the dogs and took them out, they laid by me as I read my book this afternoon. Still reading Stephen King's From A Buick 8. It is getting more intriguing by the word. I talked with Chris on yahoo messenger for a really long time today and it was wonderful. I don't get to talk to him that long everyday, so it's nice when we get that chance. I am super excited for him to come home. We are down to 35 days! I miss having him home. I am also very excited to start Fall quarter of school. I am going to have a tough workload this quarter though but I am ready for it. I am trying to maintain my 3.0 gpa and maybe even try and bring it up, although thats sometimes hard to do.

I went and got my eyebrows waxed today. They really needed it, haha. I also worked on Darlene's baby blanket some more. While cleaning the downstairs and talking to Chris I watched Gran Torino. Boy did I forget how kickass Clint Eastwood is. I wish I could meet him one day. My sister also sent me some funny pictures of the chickens tonight. They were all at the glass door on the porch looking in like "can we come in there please?"

I think Boomer and I are going to go for another run after I get off work tomorrow. I only have a short day at work and get out at 2:30pm. Yay! So far life has been great and I couldn't ask for anything more.

Monday, August 2, 2010

I Think That Went Well

Well Boomer and I went on our first run. We made it a whole mile! Woot! Considering we are both really out of shape I must say I feel like we did a good job. :-) Tomorrow we will just go on a nice long walk and I'll do some core training and ab work along with some flexibility work afterwards. I am thinking we will do one day running, then one day walking, and so on and so forth.

It felt good though to get out and get some exercise. Not only do I need to get more fit but Boomer needs to lose some weight to be a healthy dog. So it benefits us both. Frank and Gloria the discount goldfish have been very active lately. I just cleaned and treated their tank tonight. Oh! On an exciting note Chris and I have decided on a vacation spot. We are going to Atlantis! I am uber excited for it! We are going to swim with dolphins and sea lions! Hopefully do some snorkeling and diving as well. And while I am doing some pottery Chris is going to sneak in a game of golf or two. SO it works out really well. :-) I can't wait!

We are approaching to just four weeks until he comes home but not quite yet. Almost though! I get more and more excited every day. I can't wait to have him back home for a little while. And then once this deployment is done hopefully for good for a very very long time. Well it's time for me to finish up some laundry and get to bed so that I can get up at the crack of dawn and head into work. I have a busy busy day ahead of me at work tomorrow.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Slow Sunday

First Sunday I have had off in a LONG while. I must say it was very nice. I slept in until 9:30am. Attempted to get to the library to pay some overdue fines and re-check out a book. I guess the library changed their hours lol. I arrived two hours before they opened. All good though because the whole time I was talking to Chris.

The second time I attempted the library it was a success. Woot! Picked up some new books and I can't wait to nerd it up and read some of them. Hopefully I won't forget and return them late though. Discussed vacation plans with Chris all day today and I think we have chosen the perfect place. We looked at Atlantis and I think it's the one! Yay! I am very excited by this and I can't wait for Chris to get home. Vacation with him is going to be awesome. :-)

Tomorrow is another early early day. I work 8:30am to 3pm. Not really that early by most standards but I get there an hour or so earlier on this shift because I have a lot of things to get ready in the restaurant and quite frankly I am not the fastest at them, haha. Been working on a baby blanket for my friend. So far so good on that. Still searching for a transfer college. Won't have to transfer until next fall but I am trying to stay ahead of the game.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

What A Day

Boy was today crazy. Work was PACKED and I mean it! It was a lot of fun though even with all the people there. I have been thinking more and more about my future and my career. I am going to continue on the education track but hopefully by the end of the year I will be picking up a minor in Marine Biology. I have simply fallen in love with aquatic animals. Particularly Beluga Whales and Orcas. I don't know what it is but I simply just feel like I HAVE to work with them. We all know that I am madly in love with penguins, but I don't want to work with birds.

I hope to get dive certified by the end of the year as well but we will see how that goes, haha. I have to have not only the time but the money. Starting August 23rd I will be tutoring a 5th grader after school and I am very excited about that! She is a really nice girl and loves sports so it's a very nice match. :-) I have also decided to start training for the Atlanta Erg Sprints at GA Tech in the spring of next year. I am going to start running in the mornings and sometimes with Boomer (my dog). We both need the exercise, haha.

Chris is still overseas and I miss him so much. He will be home in just over a month! I can't wait but I can honestly say that even though he is coming home for four weeks, I am not going to want to let him go back to finish out the rest of the deployment. I know I have to though. I talked to him today and he is doing good. What more can I ask for? Just as long as he stays safe and comes home, I am happy. As for the rest of my life today I am just taking the time to clean up my hazardous room. The greatest part of it, is that I am such a nerd I am watching Harry Potter AND crocheting a baby blanket for my friend who is due in January. But hey, It's getting done so it's a good thing lol.

Been reading The Scarpetta Factor by Patricia Cornwell and From A Buick 8 by Stephen King. So far I loving both of them. Well, best be getting back to my work and cleaning.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Well so far I am 7 hours in the 24 hour span I need to wait for my aquarium to stabilize before I can introduce the fish. Frank and Gloria the goldfish are going LOVE it. :-)